Research & Development
The requirements of modern radio communications and new technologies require constant development of new products and the replacement of existing products with improved ones. Our team of experienced engineers and technicians can reach these goals based on many years of experience in the development of antennas, antenna masts and accessories, with the support of high-quality test and measuring equipment (computerized measuring equipment ROHDE & SCHWARZ and KEYSIGHT from 0.1 to 8000 MHz for the measurement of impedance, gain and radiation patterns) and latest software tools for analysis and synthesis of antennas (WIPL-D, Microwave Office, etc.). |
At the same time by moving to our new premises on the roof of the building we arranged a fully automated system for measuring antenna radiation patterns and gain with azimuth/elevation rotator and with two 15
meter high antenna masts. The system is controlled with a specially designed software through the PC controlling measuring instruments and simultaneously controls the movement of the rotator.
All this in conjunction with the amplifiers and optical converters, which make conversion of RF signals to optic and back, ensure high precision and measurement speed of all electrical parameters. |
Moreover, we have available a well-equipped physical-chemical laboratory where we perform all tests of mechanical properties of materials, semi-finished and finished products. The laboratory is equipped with a dynamometer INSTRON, climatic chamber Weiss-Gallenkamp, FLIR thermal imaging camera and a waste range of other devices for testing the mechanical and environmental properties. |