AD-21/66174: wideband, monopole, dual band VHF mobile antenna (66 - 88 and 136 - 174 MHz)

The VHF vehicle antenna AD-21/66174 is a wideband low-profile monopole mobile antenna covering frequency range from 66 to 88 MHz and 136 to 174 MHz. It is intended for use with portable and mobile radios. The antenna radiator is composed of two parts: the whip made of special strong and flexible stainless steel whip spring at the bottom and the matching transformer unit above the N male coaxial connector. Antenna whip consist one concentrated loading which improves gain in the frequency range from 136 to 174 MHz. The radiator and the matching unit are painted with UV protective polyurethane black paint.
The antenna radiator could be used as a separate antenna attached to the portable radio device or it can be used with the magnet base ADM-21/N or fixed base ADN-21/N, both with the integrated coaxial cable length of 4 meters and ended with the FME female connector. Various adapters from FME to N, BNC, UHF, SMA, etc. are available on request. The AD-21/66174 is also a VHF handheld antenna and military jammer.


wideband monopole antenna for portable radio devices with N male connector
antenna AD-21/66174-N with the fixed mount ADN-21/N for mobile applications
antenna AD-21/66174-N with the magnet mount ADM-21/N for mobile applications

Technical specification

Frequency range 66-88 MHz and 136-174 MHz
Impedance 50 ohm
VSWR < 3.5 (see diagram)
Max. power 50 W CW
Gain see diagram
Height  1210 mm
Radiator Weight 300 gr.
Magnet Base Weight 700 gr.
Fixed Base Weight 200 gr.
Cable length 4 m
Input connector N female


Contact us


TRIVAL ANTENE d.o.o., Gorenjska cesta 25, 1234 Menges, SLOVENIA, EU
TEL: +386-1-8314-396, FAX: +386-1-8313-377, EMAIL:

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