Our migration to the new premises has finished!
11. October 2011
Dear business partners, dear friends! On behalf of the company TRIVAL ANTENE it is my great pleasure to announce that we have finally moved to the new premises on October 24th.
Many of you probably know, that we have purchased 2,100 m2 of land in direct vicinity of our former location on Bakovnik in Kamnik already in 2004. On this land we had intention to build our new business premises, but unfortunately bureaucratic barriers were too high and we had to stop our activities just before the end. I do not want bothering you with all details with which I can write a pretty thick book. Anyhow, because of these facts we had to urgently search for a different but quick solution because the lack of the production place became more and more critical.
And finally we have found the solution! In December 2010 We bought already made office building in near city of Menges which suited us on some of our very specific criteria (height of ceiling due to the telescopic masts production needs, flat walking roof for antenna measurement site, etc.). Renovation and finalization works were made from May through September and assembling of the new internal equipment for offices, production place and warehouses were followed in first half of October. Now after finalized renovation and finished migration we can see with satisfaction, that our decision for this purchase and renovation of the building was correct. The location itself is more accessible and opened and inside the building we have established all of our spatial needs and wishes.
Main antennas and masts production area is located in the ground floor on around 300 m2 space with high enough ceiling. Close to the production area is the warehouse for material, profiles, sub-assemblies and final products. On the first floor we have offices (200 m2) and additional stock/production place with the prototype workshop, all together 300 m2 of space. On the flat roof we arranged open area antenna measurement place with measurement room, azimuth/elevation rotator with the 12 m self-standing carbon fibre mast for measuring of antenna radiation patterns, gain and other relevant parameters. We settled also energy matters following the rules of »Green Energy«. We have arranged the system of heating and cooling with the help of 24 m deep borehole and heat pump, which not only reducing our cost of energy but also contributing to smaller consumption of energy products and to cleaner environment.
At the time of arranging of the new premises we felt that this is the right time to establish a new company's visual identity. Back in 1993 when we've founded our company, we had have a lot to do with the other more important things, we did not pay much attention to this matter. We have inherited the logo and a part of the name of the former mother company and transformed all together in blackwhite version, and that was all.
Within almost two decades of our existence our name become recognized in global market, time has come to think more seriously also about our company's visual indentity. While keeping the company's name as it is, we just wanted to make a new logotype representing our fields of activity. A solution has came with the three sets of concentric circles, as a certain triple wave source symbolising our three main activities: antennas, antenna masts and antenna accessories. While all three sets of circles are overlaping, an interesting interference appears as a symbol of strong link between all of our three product lines.
Establishing of the new premises makes an appropriate time for new as well as continuation of older unrealized plans. As a first thing, I would like to expose immediate continuation of a process of ISO 9000 quality system certification. We started with certification at the late 2006 but after some time we were forced to put it on standby due to the lack of production and warehouse space. During all these years we made our Quality Control Manual following to the ISO 9000 rules. With new members of our team and with the help of outside consultants we hope that we will finish certification until end of 2012.
We have also a plans for more close cooperation or connection with some other companies on the field of development and production. Development of new antennas and related accessories is becoming more and more demanding. A big development changes were made in radio communications and related systems within last 10 years. »Software Defined Radios«, »Multi-Mode-Multi-Mission« devices, broadband communications, ultra-wideband jamming devices, etc., represent new challenges for a new development of antennas, where close cooperation and joining of development forces will be almost mandatory. Besides all this we are undertaking to strengthen human resources. So in our midst I welcome two new colleagues. Mr. Rok Petač is a Graduate Engineer of Electrical Engineering (BSEE) and he will assist in development and production of new antennas. Mr. Matjaz Dragan is a mechanical technician and he will be responsible primarily for the production / technology/QC documentation and helping in implementing the Quality Management System ISO 9000.
Actually there is only one change made at our moving – address change which is now: TRIVAL ANTENE d.o.o., Gorenjska cesta 25, SI-1234 MENGEŠ, SLOVENIA All the other contact details (phones, fax., emails, etc.) remain unchanged.
Last but not least – in October this year, based on business data over the past five years, we have been awarded with a triple A class of business excellence which ranks our company amongst top 3% of Slovenian companies.