AD-22/D: log - periodic UHF antenna - 1200 - 3000 MHz

The antenna AD-22/D is a log-periodic dipole antenna covering the frequency range from 1200 to 3000 MHz. The antenna is mainly intended for use in EMC applications, radio monitoring, etc.
The antenna is composed of a boom element and 15 dipoles.  All dipole elements and boom are made of brass and galvanically coated with silver. The antenna is enclosed in a radome made of ABS plastic material. The antenna support on the end enables mounting on masts with outer diameter between 1” (26 mm) and 2” (60 mm). The antenna could be used as transportable or as stationary. 


Technical specification

Frequency range 1200-3000 MHz 
Impedance 50 ohm
VSWR < 2.5
Gain 8-11 dBi
Fron to back ratio > 18 dB
Maximum power 50 W CW 
Polarisation HOR./VER.
Connector N female
Lenght 450 mm
Width 125 mm
Weight of Antenna 3.1 kg
Wind velocity 150 km/h
Temperature range - 40....+70 °C

Contact us


TRIVAL ANTENE d.o.o., Gorenjska cesta 25, 1234 Menges, SLOVENIA, EU
TEL: +386-1-8314-396, FAX: +386-1-8313-377, EMAIL:

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